also ich find es super !!
also ich find es super !!
The app is aight, as in its not great but its also not bad! I got it when it was free, but then again I have no idea bout how much the real thing cost but anyway get it! If ya want ;) Hafsa RoxUrSox :D
It keeps saying that I have to retry the level over and over.
Bad game dont like the graphics and I think that it could show where you are shooting your arrow instead of you sort of guessing where you shoot it!
This is the worst app I ever had.
Did this app cost money? When I bot it, I looked at my amount of money I had and I was one dollar less. Im pretty sure it was free.... Wut the hek
U cant control. The arrow goes inbetween the person and apple sometimes. This is like a game some 2 year old made
Seriously, I cant even describe it. Glitchy doesnt even come close.
Nuff said Even 1star is too much
Yah its dumb
Was really boring and hard :P
Even the original crappy game was better than this. At least the arrow didnt bounce off when you hit the person, which is why I played the original game in the first place.
To many glitches with the person and the arrows are always different. Sometimes when I hit the apple exactly It kills the person
It wouldnt work on my Iphone 3
Why is everybody saying this is hard and horrible graphics? For one this is a simple game to play when your bored (or atleast i do) and you dont need them five star graphics, im not saying there bad, there actually pretty good. And for two, HOW is this game hard? Its the simple gameplay to shoot the apples off the persons head, and if you miss and shoot them you try again. Now i know it needs some fixes but i try to overlook that. Bottom line, good graphics, simple gameplay. And all you haters SHUT UP AND ENJOY THE APP!
It lagged, horrible graphics, and sometimes the arrow would drop right front of me when the power was full. And when I aimed it high in the air, it still managed to hit her face.
I really looked forward to downloading it. When I opened the app it took a while to start up, when it finally loaded I realized that the game controls do not operate too well. The graphics are pathetic, the jist of the game is fine, but the whole sequence of shooting an apple off of a womans head is difficult.